Sunday 30 January 2011

My INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY PHONE 010-6374-0203
MY HOME 031-607-0203


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Highrise: Mazen

This is my compare and contrast essay. It is kind of long so don't fall asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is from a site called  We had to choose one person from 14 people. I want to talk about Mazen. He is a guy who lives in Beirut and I am living in Korea. Oh! as a tip Beirut is a city in middle Asia. Now I am going to compare my life to his. I found some differences.

 First, the countries are in a different position. In Beirut there have been lots of wars and the city is destroyed.
But he doesn't give up. Though to his effort the war is still continuing. Bombs, airplanes and so on. Then he decided to make a song out of the bombing noise. He recorded the bombing noise and transferred in to a trumpet music to cheer him and everyone up. In here Korea you can't even think about bombing and war. Even though Korea is still a divided country. It is not likely to have a war here. I feel sorry that we are living in a such a good environment but we didn't know people were in danger.

 Second, in here Korea nearly all of our buildings are in a fine condition.and we don't have to reconstruct everything. During reconstruction, there are lot's of dirt and sand floating in the air. It is never good for our health. But in Beirut there are wars as I mentioned. So lot's of destruction is going on. But we can't just leave the buildings. So in Beirut, lot's of reconstruction are going on .As I said, it is not good for us and the workers in the reconstructing area has to were masks. In Korea on the other hand, we go outside and there are lot's of mountain and fresh air;. So it is not bad as Beirut.

 In conclusion my country and Mazen's country is different because Beirut has war and reconstruction but Korea has a better life. I learned that we should also need attention to those countries which is in a bad environment and help them out. It is not good when some people is relaxing and enjoying their life and another is suffocating and fearing everyday. It is just not fair. I think the world should help the countries in war and help people not just caring about themselves.
                                                      THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Highrise: Mazen

This is my compare and contrast essay. It is kind of long so don't fall asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is from a site called  We had to choose one person from 14 people. I want to talk about Mazen. He is a guy who lives in Beirut and I am living in Korea. Oh! as a tip Beirut is a city in middle Asia. Now I am going to compare my life to his. I found some differences.

 First, the countries are in a different position. In Beirut there have been lots of wars and the city is destroyed.
But he doesn't give up. Though to his effort the war is still continuing. Bombs, airplanes and so on. Then he decided to make a song out of the bombing noise. He recorded the bombing noise and transferred in to a trumpet music to cheer him and everyone up. In here Korea you can't even think about bombing and war. Even though Korea is still a divided country. It is not likely to have a war here. I feel sorry that we are living in a such a
good environment but we didn't know people were in danger.

 Second, in here Korea nearly all of our buildings are in a fine condition.and we don't have to reconstruct everything. During reconstruction, there are lot's of dirt and sand floating in the air. It is never good for our health. But in Beirut there are wars as I mentioned. So lot's of destruction is going on. But we can't just leave the buildings. So in Beirut, lot's of reconstruction are going on .As I said, it is not good for us and the workers in the reconstructing area has to were masks. In Korea on the other hand, we go outside and there are lot's of mountain and fresh air;. So it is not bad as Beirut.

 In conclusion my country and Mazen's country is different because Beirut has war and reconstruction but Korea has a better life. I learned that we should also need attention to those countries which is in a bad environment and help them out. It is not good when some people is relaxing and enjoying their life and another is suffocating and fearing everyday. It is just not fair. I think the world should help the countries in war and help people not just caring about themselves.
                                                      THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 1st 2nd and 3rd person Story!!!!!

Well today I am going to write about my story in a various kind of style of persons. So please

1st:  Well I love baseball. I play in various positions during the match. I am a  Relief Pitcher and sometimes the Starting Pitcher. I play in the 5th or 6th batter when our team is batting.
In the defense I usually do the short stop or the right fielder. I like baseball because it requires teamwork than other sports. I have to sometimes get out for the team or use a strategy than requires a sacrifice. This is also a brain game because you have to predict what strategy is the other team going to use. 

2nd: You like baseball don't you?? You can play various positions in the match. Wonderful!
You are a really good 1st baser. You need to have good catching ability because if you make a mistake the batter could be safe. You like this sport because it because It needs a lot of teamwork and strategy. You have to predict what the other team could do.

3rd: He likes baseball very much. He is also very good. He can play in a variety of positions. He plays in shortstop, right fielder 1st base catcher and a pitcher.  He is also a powerful batter so he bats in the 5th or 6th hitter. He 
says that he likes baseball because he can make friends and baseball needs a lot of teamwork. Sometimes he has to sacrifice himself to the team. He also likes it because it is a strategy game. He has to think of what he will do.
Bunt? Hit? Wait? He likes to think hard too. He has to guess what the other team could do.  

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Ode " Dear Torch"

Please enjoy my poem

Dear torch
you are my best friend
you shine like a sun 
and glows like a moon
you are my helper and my director
whenever the world is dark
you recharge me by showing
what I am seeing
what I think of you and me
you are the key
that leads to the darkened world

your heart is battery
but it is temporary
not with your help
I fall down and yelp
I keep on stumbling 
and now I am grumbling
because the P.A.
took my torch away
but whenever you are shining
you are really helping
because the electricity goes out
I have feelings of doubt
I can't see where I am going
and also what I am doing

so please don't leave me 
come back where you should be
I loaded your battery
and made a line of boundary
that is of dark and light
you will always do it right
come back come back
or my bones will crack
how I miss you
its not only few 
but it is larger than the sea
and only for you and me
I hope you are really listening
because I am expressing 
my feelings from everything
I have it in my heart
what I think of you and me 
you are the key
that leads to the darkened world
Sincerely Phillip 


Tuesday 18 January 2011

The Wacky Web Tale!

This is from and some words do not make sense but please enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One afternoon David and Julia were walking down a(n) slimy trail, looking for kindling for their campfire. The trees were slow and green, and there were colorful wildflowers all around. David and Julia began to pick the wildflowers, and after a while, they went so far that they had wandered away from the trail.
It started to get dark. David began to get worried, but Julia seemed excited to have an adventure. “Look!” Julia said. “Do you see that pillow? It looks like a house!”
“We're saved!” cried David, who was relieved.
Once they got closer, David felt very uneasy again. It didn't look like the cozy little cottage David had been imagining, but rather a big, spooky tower! It was about 999999999999999999999999 feet tall, and it was covered with purplish grayish blue ivy and moss. It was the creepiest thing David had ever seen!
David said, “Julia, let's keep walking! There's no way I'm going into that tower! It looks haunted!”
“Don't be such a(n) keyboard! We're going in. I think it looks perfectly un-haunted!” said Julia.
David was so scared that he could not open his eyes. He felt his hair chatter as Julia opened the door. All of a sudden, David felt that he was not alone. He opened his eyes, prepared to see the worst. But instead, he saw all his friends and family inside the haunted tower! “Surprise! Happy birthday, David!” 


My history presentation "Lorenzo De Medici"

The House of Medici or de' Medici is a royal house that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the late 14th century. The family originated in the Mugello region of the Tuscan countryside, gradually rising until they were able to found the Medici Bank. The bank was the largest in Europe during the 15th century, seeing the Medici gain political power in Florence.
Lorenzo de' Medici (January 1, 1449 – April 9, 1492) was one of the Medici family. He was an Italian statesman ruler of the Florentine Republic during the Italian Renaissance. Lorenzo was a diplomat, politician and patron of scholars, artists and poets. His life coincided with the high point of the early Italian Renaissance so his death marked the end of the Golden Age of Florence. The fragile peace he helped maintain between the various Italian states collapsed with his death. Lorenzo de' Medici is buried in the Medici Chapel in Florence.
Lorenzo, like his grandfather, father and son ruled Florence indirectly, through surrogates in the city councils, through threats, payoffs, and strategic marriages. Although Florence flourished under Lorenzo's rule, he effectively ruled as a despot and people had little political freedom. It was inevitable that rival Florentine families should harbor resentments over the Medici's dominance, and enemies of the Medici remained a factor in Florentine life long after Lorenzo's passing.
On Easter Sunday, April 26, 1478, in an incident called the Pazzi Conspiracy, a group including members of the Pazzi family, backed by the Archbishop of Pisa and his patron Pope Sixtus IV (fourth), attacked Lorenzo and his brother Giuliano in the Cathedral of Florence. Lorenzo was stabbed but escaped; however the attackers managed to kill Giuliano.
During his tenure, several branches of the family bank collapsed because of bad loans, and, in later years, he got into financial difficulties and resorted to misappropriating trust and state funds.
Toward the end of Lorenzo's life, Florence came under the spell of Savonarola, who believed Christians had strayed too far into Greek-Roman culture. However, Lorenzo played a role in bringing Savonarola to Florence.
With his death, the center of the Italian Renaissance shifted from Florence to Rome, where it would remain for the next century and beyond.

 I hope you enjoyed reading it!!!!!!!!

My history presentation "The History of Cars"

                             HISTORY OF CARS
                                                                                            by Seo MinKi (Phillip Seo)
                                                                                             Class 21 
An automobile, motor car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the word defines that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. However, the term automobile is far from precise, because there are many types of vehicles that do similar tasks.
There are approximately 600 million passenger cars worldwide. There is roughly one car per eleven people.  Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007; they burn over 260 billion US gallons of petrol/gasoline and diesel fuel yearly. The numbers are increasing rapidly, especially in China and India..
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is often credited with building the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769, by adapting an existing horse-drawn vehicle. However, this claim is disputed by some who doubt Cugnot's three-wheeler ever ran or was stable. In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. It was unable to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods, and was of little practical use
Although several other German engineers (including Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, and Siegfried Marcus) were working on the problem at about the same time, Karl Benz generally is acknowledged as the inventor of the modern automobile.
Benz's lifelong hobby brought him to a bicycle repair shop in Mannheim owned by Max rose and Friedrich Wilhelm Eblinger. In 1883, the three founded a new company producing industrial machines: Benz & Company Rheinische Gasmotoren-Fabrik, usually referred to as, Benz & Cie. quickly growing to twenty-five employees, it soon began to produce static gas engines as well.
Based on his experience with bicycles, he used similar technology when he created an automobile. It featured wire wheels with a four-stroke engine of his own design between the rear wheels, with a very advanced coil ignition and evaporative cooling rather than a radiator. Power was transmitted by means of two roller chains to the rear axle. Karl Benz finished his creation in 1885 and named it the Benz Patent Motorwagen.
Benz began to sell the vehicle in the late summer of 1888, making it the first commercially available automobile in history.
Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was a famous American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. As owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is known with "Fordism", that is, mass production of cheap goods coupled with high wages for workers. This was a start for the car’s mass production today.
Because gasoline and diesel cars let out too much polluted gas and it led to global warming and air pollution. So scientists have tried to make a non-polluting car or eco-friendly cars using hydrogen and sun power. Due to these work, they were able to create cars using hydrogen, sun power, and electricity. But these cars are slow as like early inventions in steam cars. I think we would go the huge process all over again. 

                                                                      Thank you.

Ice and Fire Diamante Poetry


hot smoky 
cook melt burn 
fireplace summer refrigerator winter 
eat freeze stick
cold solid

I wrote that fire is hot and smoke because fire is caught when it is over the burning point and it is usually very high. Also I think lots of people will be confused because I wrote stick. But if you put your cheek in the ice, it sticks! I hope you like the picture! 


Black and White Diamante Poetry


frightening and darkening
killing closing covering
eyeliners space snow milk
healing opening revealing
refreshing lightening

I wrote this poem to compare white and black. Black is a  symbol of bad darkness and fright and White gives us a soft feeling and makes us comfortable. It is the two opposite colours so I wrote about it.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

My S.A.T Essay

This is the movie I wrote about.

 Well today I will write about a movie called " Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring" specially the first chapter. There are two main characters, master and an apprentice living in the buddhist temple. The young apprentice did something wrong. He tied a string attached to a stone and wrapped it around the fish, frog, and snake. The master sees what the young boy did and ties the boy secretly in the night. So the next day, the master said to him to go back to the place and free all of the animals from strings while the stone is still on the back. I foiund some lessons that master thought to his apprentice and I found it similar to my experince.
 The first lesson was about death. In the movie, the temple is located in the center of a lake. So the young apprentice couldn't see the outside world except for near by mountains. When he tied the sting to the snake's neck, the snake couldn't move very well. When he found the snake, it was bleeding dead. It accidently fell of  from a cliff and the stone's weight killed it. I think that was the first time he learned what death was beccause he was crying. When I first learned the term "death", I wawas so afraid that everybody has to die someday. I just cried because I was angry that I was born. I thought there were no point of life. I could understand his feelings very well in the part when he cried over the snake's dead body.
 Another lesson what the master was trying to teach the apprentice was changing the point of view. The master tied him to let a boy feel how animals would feel. So the boy knew how it was hard to move with a stone on his back. A person is born with greed. They move to gain benefit and don't like sharing. Then they started to know how society is like. I never thought about how mom is always tired when I was a baby. Mom has to do house chores, look after me, go and buy what we need and lots of other work. I learned to think in other perons point ofview when I made my dad really angry. But actually he didn't yell or shout. He just told me how I would feel in the situation.
 In conclusion, the master of this movie was very smart and truly loved the boy. H edidn't scolded him but let him figure out the lessons by himself. This apprentice had similar situations with me when I was young. I think a person need to learn the two most important lessons, death and changing the point of view.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

The POP SONG CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a POP SONG CONTEST this Saturday. Our class (which is class 21 ) also participated in this contest. Our whole class sang "Heal the world" by Micheal Jackson.

Our class turn was like 12th singer. We practiced a lot though. Also our class had a solo part when Son Sumin (class 21) singing the high pitch part. Other groups sang "upside down" by A teen's and "Let it be" by beetles. Even though our class didn't win any prizes we still had loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Introducing My Favorite Video!

This is my favorite video called   THE ANNOYING ORANGE! by Danboe

This video is called annoying orange. There are lot's of episodes of the annoying orange. This video is one of the first episodes of these videos. This video is very very popular for 
fun jokes. This video was viewed 30,677,852 times!! And it is only when I saw it. It could        be more now! This orange was welcomed by whats up? But he enjoys that pronounciation
and keeps going wassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssup.

This is an another episode of annoying orange. This is wassup 2! There was a character
called wassabi. It is a sauce you put in japanese sushi. It is green. Orange remembers about the last wassup episode and the characters in the first video comes out again.
This video has been seen 15,117,084 times! WOW

Writing Chain " Is Corporal Punishment Necessary" by Class 21

This is the Writing Chain activity we did on writing class in GLPS camp. I expected a formal essay with about 
3 reasons but it turned out to be 4 reasons! I was surprised. Even though I changed some parts it's still the
same. In addition, I give "Thank you" to Um Yu Rim, Son Su Min, Nicky, and Park So En for good ideas.

Is Corporal Punishment Necessary 
Corporal punishment is hitting or physically giving pain. In my opinion, I think corporal punishment is not necessary to punish students because they did something wrong. Some people say that this type of punishment is effective in some ways but I don't agree with the idea.
 First, corporal punishment will even more stimulate students, specially teenagers to behave improperly 
because the students got to dislike the teachers. Also making children's behavior right doesn't need any physical pain but mild behaviors of teachers that makes students trust them.
Second, if one of the student don't want to have school rules, all the other students will do that too. Corporal punishment can the students' body but the students mind will be out of joint.They might not listen to their teachers and can have demos too. You can never know what can happen.
 Third, teachers must keep their student with kind mind. They always say ' It;s for you. This is the hit of love' and so on. But they don't feel "love" to their students in their mind. Teachers just want students not resisting to them.
 Fourth, can you even imagine what would happen if the students "learn" how to hit? Most bullies hit other students because they had learned it from somewhere. The teacher are not getting rid of troublemakers and bullies, actually they are making them.
 Corporal punishment would only give more stress to students, also giving bad impression to students. In conclusion, corporal punishment should be stopped because of these reasons I mentioned.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

hey! welcome

WELCOME to my blog!
I hope you are the chosen one to find my blog address. If you are not the chosen one
come in risking your life heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
come down


you are nearly there!


SO IF YOUR ARE READING THIS LINE you are very brave do still be here
now enjoy my stories and other stuff