Wednesday 12 January 2011

My S.A.T Essay

This is the movie I wrote about.

 Well today I will write about a movie called " Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring" specially the first chapter. There are two main characters, master and an apprentice living in the buddhist temple. The young apprentice did something wrong. He tied a string attached to a stone and wrapped it around the fish, frog, and snake. The master sees what the young boy did and ties the boy secretly in the night. So the next day, the master said to him to go back to the place and free all of the animals from strings while the stone is still on the back. I foiund some lessons that master thought to his apprentice and I found it similar to my experince.
 The first lesson was about death. In the movie, the temple is located in the center of a lake. So the young apprentice couldn't see the outside world except for near by mountains. When he tied the sting to the snake's neck, the snake couldn't move very well. When he found the snake, it was bleeding dead. It accidently fell of  from a cliff and the stone's weight killed it. I think that was the first time he learned what death was beccause he was crying. When I first learned the term "death", I wawas so afraid that everybody has to die someday. I just cried because I was angry that I was born. I thought there were no point of life. I could understand his feelings very well in the part when he cried over the snake's dead body.
 Another lesson what the master was trying to teach the apprentice was changing the point of view. The master tied him to let a boy feel how animals would feel. So the boy knew how it was hard to move with a stone on his back. A person is born with greed. They move to gain benefit and don't like sharing. Then they started to know how society is like. I never thought about how mom is always tired when I was a baby. Mom has to do house chores, look after me, go and buy what we need and lots of other work. I learned to think in other perons point ofview when I made my dad really angry. But actually he didn't yell or shout. He just told me how I would feel in the situation.
 In conclusion, the master of this movie was very smart and truly loved the boy. H edidn't scolded him but let him figure out the lessons by himself. This apprentice had similar situations with me when I was young. I think a person need to learn the two most important lessons, death and changing the point of view.

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